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Medical Student Electives: Cardiology


Brief Description

The student will participate in the daily activities of the cardiac inpatient service as well as cardiology consultative service with emphasis on inpatient care with some outpatient exposure.  Clinical exam will be supplemented by the results of diagnostic testing including electrocardiography, echocardiography, stress testing, cardiac catheterization and other diagnostic procedures.


At the end of the rotation the student should be able to elicit a history and be better trained in the cardiac physical exam. The student will become more familiar with ECG including arrhythmias. The student will better understand the role of cardiac diagnostic testing in the evaluation of the patient with cardiac disease.

Learning Experience

The student will participate in the evaluation of cardiac inpatients as well as cardiac consultations and present the case to a cardiology attending who will review all the primary cardiac data and the formulation with the student, who will then write the consultation note. The student will participate in rounds and is encouraged to read cardiology references for general background.   The student will become familiar with, and is encouraged to observe, cardiac diagnostic testing procedures such as echocardiography, stress testing and cardiac catheterization.


Students will be evaluated as to: Their clinical cardiology skills and their progress in this area, their background of basic medical information, their intellectual capacity and ability to synthesize industry and initiative in learning, and their relationships with patients and peers. There will be no specific exam. Evaluation will be by consensus of the assessments from cardiology attendings and the cardiology resident.


Prior approval through the Office of Medical Education is required. This elective is offered each month. Maximum number of fourth year students per month: One. Housing is provided when available, with the exception of the months of January, June and July. Night call is optional. Conferences to be attended: Catheterization Conference, Rounds, Department of Medicine Conferences, and Pathology Conference.


Members of the Attending Staff.