Why Choose Bassett for Your Residency / Fellowship
Why Choose Bassett
Bassett Medical Center is a unique rural health delivery network, nationally recognized as a model of integrated health care. Bassett is a network of primary and specialty care providers dedicated to patient care, teaching, and research at sites around the region. By integrating these endeavors, our approach to caring is comprehensive and progressive. Bassett is a model system of primary care where medical subspecialists augment the primary care-based system by conveying state-of-the-art care in all of the medical subspecialties.
Bassett is a Pioneer in Rural Healthcare.
For over 100 years, Bassett has been a pioneer in delivering innovative care and fostering healthy rural communities.

- Training within a model progressive health care system, serving 12,000 square miles and providing over 760,000 outpatient visits per year.
- Residents have the opportunity to participate in a research project. This is made possible by the E. Donnall Thomas Resident Research program. Residents work with a member of the senior faculty to write a proposal and conduct the research. Funding is provided by E. Donnall Thomas for up to $25,000 over two years. The resident is encouraged to present the findings at a national meeting, and then publish in a peer-reviewed journal.
- A full-time, salaried faculty which is focused on patient care, teaching, and research.
- Longstanding academic affiliations with Columbia University and Albany Medical College.
- Residents receive progressive responsibility for patient care decision-making, with appropriate faculty supervision.
- Technical support services perform nearly all ancillary procedures which allows the resident to spend more time at the patients' bedside, in educational activity.
Patient Mix
Located at the base of Otsego Lake, one of New York's most beautiful lakes, Bassett is a tertiary care center providing care to a population of 432,000 in the 8-county region and providing over 760,000 outpatient visits per year. The catchment area served covers 12,000 square miles with over two dozen community-based primary care centers within 100 miles of Cooperstown and 20 School-Based Health Centers.
We provide care to people from every walk of life and occupation, from rural to suburban to small urban. At Bassett, diversity and inclusion are central to our mission. We respect every patient, guest, and staff member. We are committed to maintaining a welcoming environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.
By providing residents with a broad-based experience in both general and subspecialty internal medicine delivered in a rural setting, Bassett offers a unique opportunity for residency training that is sufficiently flexible to meet the future challenges of health care delivery. Elective opportunities are available through Bassett at the University of Rochester in Upstate New York and at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, which offers medical training in an urban environment for those that are interested.
Our teaching system is built upon a Columbia-appointed faculty that is 100% salaried and full time. There are no competing priorities of running a private practice. Exposure to a broad cross-section of medical problems is only the first component of a fine training program. At Bassett, we have evolved an ideal system for teaching medical students and residents with personalized faculty attention.
Assimilation of a methodologic approach to medical problems is the unifying emphasis. While styles vary, the common goal is to be skilled in the care of problems seen during training and prepared for problems that are rare or unusual in presentation. The blend of inpatient, continuity clinic, and outpatient subspecialty rotations create a comprehensive educational experience.
Explore Our Area
Cooperstown is a unique and historic community in Central New York.
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