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Mobile Cancer Screening Coach

Schedule a Screening Session

Special stops will be made by arrangement with interested community groups, businesses, and organizations:

Call: (607) 547-4830

Visit our Resources for Cancer Caregivers Page

To help our local family caregivers who are caring for a loved one with cancer, the Bassett Cancer Institute has assembled a page of local & national resources, tips & nutritional information, & answers to FAQs. Learn more:

Resources for Cancer Caregivers

Mobile Cancer Screening Services

Thanks to fund-raising efforts of the Friends of Bassett and lead donors, including New York Central Mutual Fire Insurance Company, federal credit union SEFCU, and the Appalachian Regional Commission, Bassett Healthcare Network is able to provide cancer screening services with a custom-built medical coach. The RV-type medical coach offers the same high-tech digital mammography available at Bassett Medical Center, and other cancer screenings for men and women. By bringing convenient screening services to populations in rural areas, Bassett Healthcare Network hopes to reduce the number of cancer deaths that occur every year.

The cancer screening services of the medical coach are available throughout Otsego, Oneida, Delaware, Chenango, Madison, Herkimer, Schoharie, Fulton, and Montgomery counties. Screenings will be available on a regular basis at Bassett Healthcare Network's health centers, as well as other community sites that can provide adequate space for the medical coach. Special stops will be made by arrangement with community groups, businesses, and organizations interested in hosting a screening session. Groups or individuals interested in scheduling screening sessions in their communities should call 1-800-BASSETT, or (607) 547-4830.

Images are read by a radiologist at Bassett Medical Center within 24 hours. The mobile coach is linked to your health center via UNITY, Bassett Healthcare Network’s electronic medical record system. This allows your primary care practitioner fast access to your results and assures coordinated, comprehensive care.

In addition, the coach’s self-contained technology and exam room enables staff to perform additional types of cancer screenings, including cervical cancer screening, Pap tests, and pelvic exams.

If a lack of health insurance or insurance with prohibitive co-pays is stopping you or someone you know from scheduling a cancer screening, please call the Cancer Services Program at 1-888-345-0225 to schedule an appointment. The Cancer Services Program provides breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screenings and diagnostic services at NO COST to women and men who meet eligibility requirements.