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Surgical Services

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Comprehensive Surgical Care

At Bassett Healthcare Network, our goal is to help you be as healthy as possible. When you need surgery, we’re your partner to help you get back to good health.

We understand the thought of having surgery can often be scary. Rest assured, our surgical teams perform thousands of surgeries every year and most surgical procedures don’t require lengthy hospital stays.

Whenever possible, surgery is performed using minimally invasive techniques or robotic assisted technology. Robotic assisted surgery offers a high degree of precision. Research has shown that these procedures lead to faster and easier recovery times for patients with good clinical outcomes.

Our expert surgeons and support staff, state-of-the-art facilities, and safety-focused programs combine the best of technology with compassion and high-quality surgical care. We focus on providing you the best surgical experience possible.

Getting Ready for your Surgery:

You can play a part in your preparation for surgery. The healthier you are before surgery, the more prepared you will be for the recovery. Make sure on the days and weeks leading up to your surgery you’re taking care of yourself and eating well. As you prepare for your surgery, we hope to put your fears at ease by telling you exactly what to expect. If you are scheduled for surgery, you will receive instructions that will let you know whether or not you will need to have any tests prior to surgery, like X-rays or blood tests, for example. You will receive your surgery date and time as well as any day of instructions you must follow including when to stop eating and drinking prior to your procedure.

After you arrive for surgery, you will be taken to the preoperative area for preparation. Part of this preparation includes meeting the Anesthesiology team. At this point, you will discuss important information like your medical and surgical history, current medical condition, known allergies to medications, previous experiences with anesthesia and prior side effects, and the surgical procedure you are planned to have. Our Anesthesiology team will explain the anesthesia so you and your family understand what to expect. It may feel like you have been asked the same question many times. This is normal and will happen throughout your stay. This is done for quality medical care and patient safety.

When you are done with surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room, where you will be monitored. After the required management in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, you will likely be transferred to a hospital room or observation room. If you are having day surgery or ambulatory surgery, you will stay in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit until you are discharged to go home.