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Colorectal Screening, Diagnostics & Technology

Diagnostics and Technology

Colorectal Cancer:

  • Second largest cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.
  • Third most common cancer in both men and women
  • Takes the lives of about 51,000 people each year

These are some frightening facts but the most concerning statistic is that 23 million Americans are not up to date on their colorectal screenings, even though screenings can prevent 60% of these death tolls.

Bassett Healthcare Network has the technology to help catch colorectal disease and cancer at early and treatable stages. Our surgeons specialize in early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer as well as advanced care and surgery. State-of-the-art technology and diagnostic tools help our surgeons keep you healthy.

Don't take risks with your health, get screened today. Call your primary care practitioner for an appointment.

Some of the diagnostic tools we use:

  • Colonoscopy
  • Pelvic floor lab
  • Anal manometry
  • Anal electromiography (EMG)
  • Anoscopy
  • Proctoscopy
  • Defecography
  • Dynamic and three-dimensional ultrasound, including endoanal and endorectal

Schedule your Colorectal Cancer Screening:

Infographic: Screening for Colorectal Cancer