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We all know the CDC’s recommendation of remaining at least six feet from others while out in public, to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep you and your family healthy. It’s still important, though, that we take care of ourselves physically while social distancing.

Just as we should normally, most of us should be getting between 2.5 to 5 hours of exercise a week, or 30 to 60 minutes a day. While many gyms and public gatherings are closed right now, you can still get the exercise you need right at home.

Physical & Mental Benefits

Staying active helps keep your immune system healthy, which is especially important right now. It's also a great way to cope with the stress and anxiety you may be feeling.

Exercise is so important that even cities and states that have asked residents to stay home still allow people to go outside for exercise and to walk their pets, as long as they continue to practice social distancing. Walking, going for a run, or taking a bike ride can all be done while maintaining a healthy distance from others.

Tired of Taking Walks?

Get creative with your exercise – the gym being closed doesn’t mean that walking and hiking are your only options. Take advantage of exercises that can be done in the comfort of your own home, or back-yard activities that you can enjoy with others in your home.

Here are a few ideas to get your creativity flowing:

  • Pump up your motivational playlist and create your own jump rope or shadowboxing routine.
  • Have a virtual dance party with friends over video chat.
  • Get out into your garden, or tackle some yardwork. Now may also be a good time to start (or finish) some simple home improvement projects.
  • Grab a book and do some wall sits or lunges while reading.
  • Stream a free yoga or exercise video. If you’re already an expert, stream your own routine with some family or friends. Or, turn it into a family exercise by involving the kids!
  • Play some active games with your family, like soccer, frisbee, or catch with a football or a baseball/softball.
  • If you have stairs, work them into a strength routine with moves like inclined pushups or tricep dips. Of course, always keep it safe.
  • Create your own obstacle course – indoor or outdoor – full of different activities. If others in your home would like to participate, grab a stopwatch and see who can complete the course the fastest. Winner picks the next movie!