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You can't watch the news right now (or scroll through your social media feed) without seeing the term "social distancing." But what exactly does social distancing mean, and how might it affect you and your family?

Dr. Charles Hyman, senior attending physician in Infectious Diseases at Bassett Medical Center, says: “social distancing means limiting how we physically interact with others and is thought to be an important way of slowing down the spread of an infectious disease like COVID-19.” Slowing down the spread of COVID-19 will also help prevent our health care systems from getting overwhelmed.

Social distancing may impact certain businesses and communities differently. For schools, movie theaters, and churches, this may mean closing temporarily. For individuals, it means avoiding large groups and trying to stay at least six feet away from other people while out of the house.

Why six feet? Three to six feet is typically referred to as the “breathing zone,” so if you are standing in this range of someone when they cough or sneeze, you may inhale part of what they just exhaled. Since COVID-19 seems to be spread by droplets coughed or sneezed into the air, being too close to someone may put you at risk for breathing in these droplets.

How to Socially Distance Yourself and Help Flatten the Curve

We all need to work together to slow the spread of COVID-19. Here's how you can help:

  • Stay home. Only leave your home for essential activities, like grocery shopping or exercise.
  • Limit visitors to your home.
  • When you're out in public, stay at least six feet away from others.
  • Avoid gatherings of more than two people, whenever possible.

Coping with the Distance

Social distancing can feel stressful and lonely at times. Try some of these tips to help you relax and cope with all that's happening:

  • Stay connected with family and friends via phone, email, video chat, text messaging, or social media. Try planning a “social distancing game night.” There are many free games available for download that can help keep you in close contact with your friends and family, even from a distance.
  • Try taking deep breaths, stretching, or doing things you enjoy. What are your hobbies, or favorite book? Is there a hobby that you’ve wanted to start, but have not gotten around to yet?
  • Talk about your feelings with loved ones and friends. Don’t keep your feelings suppressed. Communicate your thoughts, fears, and joys with those you care about. 
  • Do your best to stay hopeful and positive. Try keeping a journal, or simply reflect on things you are grateful for or things that are going well.