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Provider Ratings — More Information

About the Bassett patient satisfaction surveys

Bassett Healthcare Network works with Press Ganey to measure important elements of our patients' experiences. Press Ganey is the industry's recognized leader in health care patient satisfaction, and the organization works with more than 10,000 health care organizations nationwide, helping organizations like Bassett Healthcare Network to improve patient satisfaction.

Who gets the survey?

Patients treated by our Bassett Healthcare Network physicians and advanced care providers are chosen at random to fill out our patient satisfaction surveys. Surveys are sent by email and mail to allow patients to provide feedback about their experience with their individual practitioners.

How are star ratings created?

Star ratings are based on patient responses to five questions about interactions with practitioners.

Why don't all practitioners have ratings?

Reasons why practitioners don’t yet have visible ratings:

  • The practitioner practices in a medical practice that does not use surveys currently.
  • The practitioner has not yet received the minimum number of patient satisfaction surveys to be eligible for display. At Bassett Healthcare Network, we require a minimum of 10 surveys over a 12 month period before we post results. We do this to ensure that the rating is a true reflection of patient satisfaction.