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Continuing Medical Education

Continuing Medical Educational Conferences for Practicing Physicians & Other Health Professionals

Weekly Professional Calendars

Accredited to provide Continuing Medical Education for practicing physicians by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACGME) through the Medical Society of the State of New York. Physicians in Bassett's 8-county service area, along with Bassett Attending Staff, may receive Category I credits and meet other Continuing Medical Education requirements by attending appropriately designated conferences in person or via interactive videoconferencing through the Bassett Telecommunications Network.

Bassett participates in various teaching symposia in cooperation with other state institutions and agencies.

Ongoing personal contacts with surrounding area physicians are vital in the function of Bassett as a major referral center in the region. Learning to handle the relationship with referring physicians is given high priority as a part of the residency program.

For more information about CME events and activities, call the Medical Education Department at Bassett Healthcare at 1 (888) 547-6349.